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Understanding fertility during the Mesolithic-Neolithic in the Danube Gorges – Bioarchaeological approach

10-12 décembre 2013

The Danube Gorges prehistoric population, which experienced a population growth during the transition to the Neolithic, provides a good opportunity to explore the scope of an interdisciplinary approach of fertility. A special attention will be paid to birthing process, nutrition and weaning, as well as cultural practices related to pregnant women and child care.

Questions include :
 Can birthing process, evidence of pregnancy and neonatal care be detected from archaeological record, and how ?
 Can changes in weaning practices contribute to fertility increase ?
 How did prehistoric behavioural characteristics (mobility, subsistence strategies) impact human fertility ?
 Nutrition and fertility - which food is good for human fertility ?

avec la participation du LAMPEA
 Using stable isotope analysis to track Prehistoric Human behaviors / G. Goude, E. Herrscher
 An on-going study of weaning practices in the Danube Gorges : sampling strategy, methods and prospects / J. Jovanović, C. de Becdelievre, G. Goude, E. Herrscher

Voir le programme complet