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Landscapes, Monuments and Society

8 juin 2012

Madejski Lecture Theatre - Agriculture Building - Reading Whiteknights Campus

The Prehistoric Society Europa Postgraduate Conference & The University of Reading

 Ramón Fábregas : Rock art and the Galician landscape – 20 years on
 Colin Richards : Monumental architecture in the north of Britain during the Neolithic
 Mike Parker Pearson : Monumental architecture in the south of Britain during the Neolithic
 Joakim Goldhahn : The hand of death – the enigma of ritual specialist in Bronze Age Scandinavia
 William O’Brien : Hillforts, warfare and society in Late Bronze Age Ireland
 Colin Haselgrove, Marc Vander Linden and Leo Webley : The fruits of Malta : Reconsidering the later prehistory of Northwest Europe
 Prehistoric Society AGM and presentation of the Baguley Award
 Presentation of Europa Prize by the President of the Society
 Europa Lecture : Richard Bradley (Reading University) : Houses of Commons, Houses of Lords : domestic dwellings and monumental architecture in prehistoric Europe

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