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Thirty Years on : Reflections and Retrospections on Southern African Archaeology Since 1983 (ASAPA 2013)

du 3 au 7 juillet 2013
Gaborone (Botswana)

Association of Southern African Professional Archaeologist Biennial Conference (ASAPA 2013)

Participants are invited to submit abstracts for oral and poster presentations under the following themes :
 The realm and practice of archaeological heritage management in SADC
 Metals and other minerals : mining manufacture, trade and use
 New advances in the application of theory in southern African archaeology
 In conversation with stakeholders : applicability of indigenous knowledge system to archaeological research and heritage resource management
 Progress in stone age archaeology, dating and paleoenvironment studies
 Landscape archaeology in southern Africa
 Outreach for public understanding of archaeology and
 Southern African Rock Art
 Southern African archaeology in the digital age
 Burial Archaeology and osteoarchaeology
 The archaeology of farming communities
 Historical archaeology

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Dr. Morongwa Nancy Mosothwane
ASAPA 2013 LOC Secretary
Email :
Office : (0267) 3552093/3554022
Mobile (0267) 71636780