Accueil > Bibliothèque > Lampea-Doc > Lampea-Doc > Congrès, colloques, réunions > European Acheuleans : Northern
European Acheuleans : Northern vs Southern Europe : Hominins, technical behaviour, chronological and environmental contexts

du 19 au 21 novembre 2014
Museum national d’Histoire naturelle

Le programme final est en ligne

Programme final

Conférence internationale organisée par Marie-Hélène Moncel (MNHN, Paris) & Danielle Schreve (RHUL, London)

"Over the last decades, new data from both Northern and Southern of Europe fix the earliest appearance of assemblages with bifacial tools in Europe between 700 and 500 ka BP, providing new evidence about the onset of handaxe-making behaviour in this region. While handaxes appeared in Africa as early as 1.8 Ma, this tradition appeared later (700-600 ka) on the European continent and was apparently then only present in Western and Southern Europe. Several scenarios may be envisaged, for example either 1) rapid and ancient dispersal throughout Western Europe of one (or several) new hominins, 2) separate dispersals of new technical habits from the Levant or elsewhere (Asia) through corridors of diffusion, or 3) a local origination in some areas due to an increase in skills of established populations. It is clear that the simple hypothesis of arrival of this new tradition first in the South before rapid diffusion to the North from 500 ka must be revisited and that new hypotheses on the timing, mode of diffusion and development over time of these assemblages must be formulated. Of equal importance is the role of climate, environment and biogeography in the spread of the Acheulean, in particular the occurrence of periods of favourable climatic conditions, biogeographical barriers, competition from large carnivores and changing prey availability. "

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