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VIth European Congress of Mammalogy

du 19 au 23 juillet 2011

Sessions thématiques

 1. Advances in studies on subterrranean mammals (P. Van Daele org.)
 2. Mammals and their parasites : biogeographic aspects (B. Krasnov & S. Morand orgs.)
 3. Mammal zoonosis ecology (H. Henttonen, H. Leirs & A. Rizzoli orgs.)
 4A. Shrews, Chromosomes and speciation (J. B. Searle, P. David Polly, J. Zima orgs.)
 4B. Chromosomes and evolution (V. Volobouev & J. Britton-Davidian orgs.)
 5. Morphometrics and evolution (S. Renaud & T. Cucchi orgs.)
 6. Island and evolution (V. Millien & M. Masseti orgs.)
 7. Mechanisms of speciation in mammals (G. Ganem & C. Smadja orgs.)
 8. Miller and other European mammalogists contributions a century ago (B. Krystufek & E. Buzan orgs.)
 9. Mammals and landscape (P. Giraudoux & A. Mortelliti orgs.)
 10. Circum-Mediterranean mammals (M. Sarà & S. Aulagnier orgs.)
 11. Aspects of biology, ecology and evolution of Laonastes aenigmamus (J. P. Hugot & C. Feliu orgs.)
 12. Phylogeography (J. Michaux & E. Randi orgs.)
 13. Systematics and barcoding (G. Veron & M. Ruedi orgs.)
 14. Mammals in Paris and other European urban areas (C. Denys org.)
 15. Post-glacial recolonisation patterns and mechanisms (A. Tresset & C. Callou, I. Horacek orgs.)
 16. Introduced and invasive mammals in Europe : patterns and processes (P. Gaubert & P. Genovesi orgs.)
 17. Movement Ecology (A. J. M. Hewison & R. Nathan orgs.)
 18. Biodiversity erosion and conservation in Europe (G. Amori & J. M. Palmeirim orgs.)
 19. Conservation and population genetics/genomics of ungulates (A. Frantz org.)
 20. Macroevolution patterns and process (S. Montuire & S. Peigné orgs.)
 21. Demography population dynamics (O. Huitu & J. Sundell orgs.)
 22. General session (R. Hutterer, C. Denys & S. Aulagnier orgs.)

Ce congrès est co-organisé par Christiane Denys et Stéphane Aulagnier.

Secrétariat scientifique
Christiane Denys & Aude Lalis - MNHN, Paris (

Secrétariat administratif
(inscription en ligne, réservations pour les excursions et l’hébergement)
Alpha Visa Congrès / ECM2011
624, rue des Grèzes
34070 Montpellier - France
Tel. : +33 (0)4 67 03 03 00
Fax : +33 (0)4 67 45 57 97