Laboratoire méditerranéen de préhistoire Europe Afrique (LAMPEA) — UMR 7269 — Université d’Aix-Marseille, CNRS, INRAP

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Prehistoric Warfare : Experimental and Analytical Approaches

[Congrès, colloques, réunions]

1er-7 septembre 2014

Colloque organisé dans le cadre du 17ème Congrès UISPP

The last twenty years have seen a renewed interest in the study of prehistoric warfare including, among others,
 examinations of the combat injuries detectable on human skeletons ;
 body-centred reappraisals of the image and self-understanding of the prehistoric warrior based on funerary evidence and rock art ;
 martial-art approaches that have tested possible uses of prehistoric weapons and armour in combat experiments ;
 use-wear analysis of the combat marks visible on prehistoric stone and bronze weapons.

The papers presented at this session will seek to explore problems concerning warfare and combat in world prehistory from the Palaeolithic onwards

 Andrea Dolfini (Newcastle University, UK) :
 Ben Roberts (Durham University, UK) :
 Christian Horn (Kiel University, Germany) :

Date limite pour la soumission des résumés : 30 avril 2014

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