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Archaeology in the Woods : New Technologies, New Perspectives

22-25 avril 2014
Paris : Institut d’Art et d’Archéologie

Une session du CAA2014 : Computers Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology

organisée par :
Rachel Opitz, Kasper Hanus, Clement Laplaige & Benjamin Stular

In this session, we hope to bring together papers on a range of technologies, prospection methods, and analyses applied in the contemporary study of forested environments. We define forests broadly, encompassing everything from the temperate deciduous woodland, to the mediterranean scrublands, to the tropical rainforest, from organized and intensively exploited plantations to regenerated and unmanaged mixed woodland, to ‘ancient’ forests which have been exploited continuously or episodically over an extended period. The technologies and methods of interest include ALS (airborne laser scanning / LiDAR), which has been rapidly changing the large scale picture of archaeology preserved under woodland for the past decade, geophysical survey in woodlands, where important advances are being made in the detailed description of little studied types of sites, new applications of geochemistry and geochemically-oriented spectral surveys e.g. XRF/XRD which could complement both geophysical and ALS surveys, and the ever growing importance of digital databases and ontologies which make trans-regional comparisons and research increasingly feasible. [...]

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Date limite : 31 octobre 2013