Accueil > Bibliothèque > Lampea-Doc > Lampea-Doc > Congrès, colloques, réunions > Middle Palaeolithic in north-w
Middle Palaeolithic in north-west Europe : multidisciplinary approaches

Mise à jour le 4 février 2014

La deuxième circulaire est en ligne

2ème circulaire

du 20 au 22 mars 2014
Namur : Moulins de Beez

North-west Europe is a key area to help deciphering Neanderthal societies in connection with their natural landscapes. The region presents various contexts where loessic, karstic, fluvial, lacustrine and coastal environments coexist. This area was the subject of important climatic contrasts, with environmental conditions fluctuating from interglacial forest to polar desert. Moreover, the diversity of the geological substratum defines the availability of various natural ressources.
This conference aims to provide an up-to-date overview of the available documentation on the Middle Palaeolithic of north-west Europe and to discuss the current research problematics on Neanderthal behaviour in a multidisciplinary perspective.

The conference is organized by a joint team from the Scladina cave archaeological center (Scladina) and the “Service public de Wallonie” (SPW).
 Kévin Di Modica, archaeologist (Scladina)
 Michel Toussaint, palaeoanthropologist (SPW)
 Stéphane Pirson, geologist (SPW)
 Dominique Bonjean, archaeologist (Scladina)
 Grégory Abrams, archaeozoologist (Scladina)
 With the logistic support of the “Cellule Events-DGO4” (SPW)


La date limite de soumission des résumés est le 1er novembre 2013

Plaquette de présentation & Inscription