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Major transitions in human evolution

22-23 octobre 2015

Scientific discussion meeting held in partnership with the British Academy
Organised by Professor Robert Foley FBA, Professor Chris Stringer FRS, Dr Marta Mirazón Lahr and Professor Lawrence B. Martin

The rich human palaeoanthropological record shows an unexpectedly complex pattern in the tempo and mode of human evolution. Evidence for many of the key phases is found in East Africa, and has been shaped by critical discoveries by teams led by Richard Leakey, or work inspired by his finds. The meeting focuses on key evolutionary transitions to understand the interaction of biology, behaviour, culture and environment.

Transition 1 : origins of Homo – technology, behaviour, and adaptation
Transition 2 : the evolution of the early human phenotype
Transition 3 : The evolution of modern humans
Tempo and mode in the evolution of humans

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