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Reproduction has a history : approaches to the origin of the regulation of reproduction

10-12 décembre 2014

The seminar is designed as a discussion-seminar about the social management of reproduction in prehistoric societies. We will focus in particular on the question of how to deal archaeologically with this question, which we consider essential in order to understand development and change in societies since the Upper Palaeolithic. Our aim is to combine the discussion about :
 analysis of the basic biological assumptions on human reproduction,
 analysis of ethnographic data that can provide a working hypothesis for the development of archaeological methods,
 the existing interpretations of the archaeological records as well as of
 demographic models or multi-agent systems as experimental tools to simulate the effects of the factors involved in the explanatory hypothesis.

Voir l’annonce détaillée

Organizing committee
 Dra. Assumpció Vila Mitjà
 Dra. Francesca Lugli
 Dra. Trinidad Escoriza Mateu
 Dra. Manuela Pérez
 Dr. Jordi Estévez
 Dr. Juan F. Gibaja
IN-HOPPE (International Network“Historical and Osteoarchaeological Past Populations Exploration”).