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Archaeology and rock art : international Congress

du 25 au 29 juin 2012
La Paz (Bolivie)

Les différentes sessions
 Dating and chemical analysis of rock art
 Scientific study of rock art
 Aesthetics and rock art
 Management and conservation of rock art sites
 Rock art and indigenous communities
 Archaeological context of North American and Mesoamerican rock art sites
 Rock art and archaeological cultures ofpresent-day Central America : a link between Mesoamerica and the Andean region
 Rock art, archaeology and the Caribbean
 Archaeology and rock art of the Amazon basin (South American lowlands)
 Archaeology and rock art in the Andean Formative period
 Inca rock art : evaluations and possibilities
 Archaeology and rock art of the Titicaca lake basin
 Archaeological research and rock art in Bolivia
 Archaeology and rock art in desert regions
 Round Table : Rock art and the tentative list of World Heritage sites in Latin America and the Antilles

 Bolivian Rock Art Research Society (SIARB)
 Program of Strategic Investigation in Bolivia (PIEB)
 National Museum of Ethnography and Folklore (MUSEF)
 French Research Institute for Development (IRD-Bolivia)
 International Federation of Rock Art Organizations (IFRAO)

Voir le site du congrès