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Conoscere per ricostruire, ricostruire per conoscere

17-18 octobre 2014
Fiavé : Museo delle Palafitte

The programme has been divided into 5 sessions :
 Wood as a construction material - wooden constructions. This session introduces the theme of ’wood" in the construction environment ;
 Reconstruction choices. The scientific criteria and requirements in terms of protection, conservation and promotion, as guidelines for reconstruction.
 Fact-finding phases to prepare for reconstruction. Rules and methods for analysing constructions : dendrochronology, historical-typological analysis, diagnostics.
 Planning approaches to reconstruction. Plans and construction, from prehistoric pile-dwellings to modern day buildings.
 Reconstruction of historical types. New wooden constructions that interact with the past.

Academics and professionals operating in Trentino, but also in other Italian regions, have been invited to discuss the subject with some case studies from Poland and Spain.

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Soprintendenza per i Beni Culturali - Ufficio Beni archeologici