Accueil > Bibliothèque > Lampea-Doc > Lampea-Doc > Congrès, colloques, réunions > African Large Carnivores : (…)
African Large Carnivores : Impacts on Ecosystems and Humans Interactions

24-27 juin 2014
Nairobi : National Museums of Kenya - Louis Leakey Auditorium


A two-day’s meeting would be devoted to different presentations within three sessions :
 human-carnivore interactions & conservation
 biodiversity & environment (past-present)
 taphonomy & eco-ethology (past-present)

It would be followed by a two-day’s workshop (26-27th, june) around questions/training :
 studies of bone-assemblages made by carnivores
 carnivore scat analysis

 Ogeto Mwebi
 Jean-Philip Brugal

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