Accueil > Bibliothèque > Lampea-Doc > Lampea-Doc > Congrès, colloques, réunions > 12th Archaeological Chemistry
12th Archaeological Chemistry Symposium

du 7 au 11 avril 2013
New Orleans, Louisiana

The 12th symposium will consist of both invited and contributed presentations, talks and posters, from researchers in the fields of archaeological science, with emphasis on chemical analysis of cultural heritage materials. The presentations will range from a poster session to a keynote talk from one of the leaders in the field of archaeological chemistry.
Watch for further details (by email, or follow us on Twitter @12thArchaeoChem) about the exact dates of the Symposium, and a list of invited speakers.

Please submit your abstracts for this upcoming symposium !

Abstracts may be submitted online via the ACS online abstract submission system until October 29, 2012 (EXTENDED DEADLINE) at
Please note that there are two links from there : one for posters, the other for oral presentations.

For additional information, please contact the Symposium organizers :
 Ruth Ann Armitage (
 James Burton (

Instructions for using the PACS system to submit abstracts