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14C & Archaeology : 8th International Symposium

27 juin - 1er juillet 2016

The symposium will be organised by the staff of the SUERC Radiocarbon Dating Laboratory, with help from a number of Scottish based archaeologists and scientists. The SUERC laboratory has a long association with archaeology, particularly Scottish archaeology, having worked closely with Historic Scotland for over 30 years. Therefore, our aim for the symposium is to showcase a good balance of current archaeological research that employs radiocarbon and developments in the radiocarbon technique.

Liste provisoire des sessions
 Freshwater radiocarbon reservoir effects in archaeology
 Problems with radiocarbon dating in coastal and island environment
 Statistical approaches to modelling regional archaeological chronologies
 New approaches in the Bayesian modelling of archaeological sites
 Compound specific dating in archaeology
 Radiocarbon dating of difficult sample types
 Precision in radiocarbon dating : getting the best possible answer
 Rigour in sampling : both in the field and the laboratory
 Dating the Neolithic transition
 Human / environment interactions
 Radiocarbon dating in wetland environments
 Radiocarbon dating in arid environments
 Other / Miscellaneous
 Sixth International Radiocarbon Inter-comparison (SIRI)

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