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Digital applications and quantitative methods in the study of prehistoric art

30 mars-3 avril 2015

Dans le cadre de la Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods inArchaeology (CAA) Annual Conference 2015

une table ronde organisée par
 Claire Heckel (Center for the Study of Human Origins, New York University)
 Carole Fritz (Centre de Recherche et d’Études pour l’Art Préhistorique Emile Cartailhac (CREAP) / TRACES

"Recent decades have produced a wide range of exciting methodological developments in the study of prehistoric art. Three-dimensional modeling and imaging of painted/engraved caves provide enhanced opportunities for scientific study and new platforms for sharing protected sites with the public. Digital displays of archaeological sites and museum exhibits allow for broader public engagement with prehistoric art. Detailed renderings of decorative motifs on many materials (cave walls, stone, bone, antler, and ivory) are providing insights into the gestures and techniques used to create works of prehistoric art. Increasingly sensitive dating techniques are refining the chronology of prehistoric art. Non-destructive methods of chemical analysis permit the examination of rare and sensitive works of art."

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