Accueil > Bibliothèque > Lampea-Doc > Lampea-Doc > Congrès, colloques, réunions > Progress in Quaternary archive
Progress in Quaternary archive studies in the Iberian Peninsula

12 & 13 mars 2015

Archive investigation for the purpose of environmental and climate change is a large interdisciplinary research field in geoscience. Twenty-five years ago (1989-2014) a group of young quaternarist researchers published the first progress in quaternary archive studies on Western Andalusian Region. Then, twenty-five years later, this conference aims to follow up research in Quaternary science of the Iberian Peninsula and to give insight into new methodological and conceptual approaches. New results of different archive studies should be presented in a broader context. We would like to discuss standpoints and perspectives of researchers from different geoscientific disciplines. We welcome contributions (oral and posters) of young researchers in particular.

— Registration by November 20th, 2014
— Submission of Abstract by December 10th, 2014
— Second circular with program details by January 20th, 2015

Organizing committee
— Dr. Fernando Díaz del Olmo
— Dr. Joaquín Rodríguez Vidal
— Dr. César Borja Barrera
— Daniel Wolf
— Dr. Dominik Faust
— Dr. José Manuel Recio Espejo

Parmi les membres du comité scientifique, Vincent Ollivier

Mª del Carmen Pacheco Rubio

Voir l’annonce détaillée

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