Mise à jour le 25 septembre 2015
Télécharger la première circulaire
16-20 mai 2016
"The first conference “World of Gravettian Hunters” was an excellent opportunity for researchers to present and discuss important results of Gravettian studies. We would like to continue facilitating the exchange of information and ideas, and therefore we invite you to consider attending a second conference “World of Gravettian Hunters” planned for May/June 2016 in Kraków. This time we invite participants to present results of research on Gravettian and Epigravettian sites. We invite results not only in archaeology but also zooarchaeology, palaeoanthropology, geology, palaeobotany, and all other related fields. We plan to publish the proceedings of this second meeting in an international peer-reviewed journal. More information will be provided in the first circular to come. Please feel free to share this information with your colleagues and contact us if you have any questions. [...]"
Please send an expression of interest by e-mail : wojtal@isez.pan.krakow.pl
Piotr Wojtal
Instytut Systematyki i Ewolucji Zwierząt
Polska Akademia Nauk
ul. Sławkowska 17,
31-016 Kraków, Poland
Fax :(+48) (12) 422 42 94