Accueil > Bibliothèque > Lampea-Doc > Lampea-Doc > Congrès, colloques, réunions > Ground Stone Artifacts and (…)
Ground Stone Artifacts and Society

6-9 juillet 2015

An international workshop on ground stone artifacts : Quarrying, production, function and exchange

Studies of ground stone increasingly play an integral role in any truly holistic archaeological research program. Ground stone artifacts served in widely divergent physical and social contexts through millennia, reflecting a wide variety of functions, documented through a century of archaeological and ethnographic research. Although commonly associated with prosaic daily necessities such as food production, this important functional role is often treated as their sole purpose. However, ground stone artifacts are also used for a wealth of other functions such as processing other materials, tool manufacture, and storage ; they also carry symbolic meanings, serve as markers of identity, or are imbued with religious or ideological significance. [...]

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Organizing committee
 Danny Rosenberg, Laboratory for Ground Stone Tools Research, Zinman Institute of Archaeology, University of Haifa (
 Yorke M. Rowan, Oriental Institute, University of Chicago (
 Tatjana M. Gluhak, Institut für Geowissenschaften, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (