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Deux post-doc Marie Curie sur l’Abric Romaní (géoarchéologie et palynologie)

Date limite de candidature : 10 juin 2012

 Post-Doc applicant for Marie Curie IEF Call (Archaeological Chemistry)
In IPHES ( we are looking for Applicants, who would like to apply for IEF Call to study the chemical fingerprints of Mousterian hearth sediments and their byproducts. The purpose is to work on geochemical characterization and the distinction between animal and vegetable components in order to known the use of fire at the Abric Romaní archaeological site (Barcelona, Spain) by Neanderthal groups.

The candidate will join this research using biochemical analysis to investigate the functional aspects of Neanderthal fireplaces under the scientific adviser of Josep Vallverdu PhD, who is working on the Mousterian hearths at Romaní rockshelter (Vallverdú et al, 2010. Current Anthropolgy 51(1) : 137-146 ; and 2012. Quaternary International 247 : 313-324).

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 Post-Doc Applicant for Marie Curie IEF Call (Archaeological Pollen Analyses)
In IPHES ( we are looking for Applicants, who would like to apply for IEF Call to study a palynological core from Abric Romaní archaeological site (Barcelona, Spain). The purpose is to carry out a work on pollen analysis study of travertine or archaeological samples dated from MIS 5 to MIS 3 by U/Th method.

For this reason we offer to study ca. 350 samples from a core of ca. 35 meters recently obtained from this Middle Palaeolithic site, and the scientific facilities to carry out this research for two years at IPHES and Scientific Campus at URV in Tarragona (Spain)

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