– The Max Planck Society in Leipzig offers the position of Track Leader in Physical Anthropology to lead a group dedicated to
Bone and Tooth Structure-Function studies
Applications should include a recent CV, a detailed research plan, and the names of three referees. Documents should be sent in pdf form to Diana Carstens [carstens@eva.mpg.de] and a hard copy must be received at the address below by April 30, 2012.
– The Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot offers the position of Track Leader in Archaeological Science to lead a group dedicated to The Timing of Cultural Change
Applications should include a recent CV, a detailed research plan, and the names of three referees. Documents should be send by e-mail in pdf form to Ms. Aline Ratley, office of the President the Weizmann Institute of Science [aline.ratley@weizmann.ac.il] by April 30, 2012.