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Max Planck-Weizmann Institute offers two positions of Track Leaders (Physical Anthropology & Archaeological Science)

 The Max Planck Society in Leipzig offers the position of Track Leader in Physical Anthropology to lead a group dedicated to
Bone and Tooth Structure-Function studies
Applications should include a recent CV, a detailed research plan, and the names of three referees. Documents should be sent in pdf form to Diana Carstens [] and a hard copy must be received at the address below by April 30, 2012.

 The Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot offers the position of Track Leader in Archaeological Science to lead a group dedicated to The Timing of Cultural Change
Applications should include a recent CV, a detailed research plan, and the names of three referees. Documents should be send by e-mail in pdf form to Ms. Aline Ratley, office of the President the Weizmann Institute of Science [] by April 30, 2012.

Emploi Leipzig
Emploi Rehovot