à partir d’octobre 2012
Durham University
PhD Scholarship, funded by the AHRC dans le cadre du programme de recherche "Early urbanism in prehistoric Europe ? : the case of the Tripillia mega-sites"
The proposed PhD thesis will assess the potential for the recovery of plan information for Tripillye mega-sites and other, smaller Tripillye sites from satellite imagery, as well as supplying regional settlement context, land use potential and possible palaeo-environmental change in the study region (25 x 25 km) around the Nebelivka mega-site.
Joint supervision by Professor T. J. Wilkinson and Dr. John Chapman ; working with Ukrainian colleagues (Dr. Mikhail Videiko, Kyiv) and the Project’s Post-Doctoral Research Assistant.
Plus d’infos
If you are interested, please contact :
Mrs Helen Wood
Postgraduate Secretary
helen.wood at durham.ac.uk