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Post-doc applicant for Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (IF-European) in Pleistocene Lithic technology

Full-time temporary contract during two years

In IPHES ( we are looking for applicants who would like to apply for an IF-European Call to study lithic Pleistocene technologies through the analyses of the gestures in knapping. The goal is to characterize the biomechanics of lithic technology, and the gestural differences among the Oldowan, Acheulean and Mousterian technologies. The study must include experimental protocols and approaches, as well as the use of software programmes devoted to analyse gesture changes and gesture sequences. [...]

Researchers interested in applying should send their CV before February 28th to indicating in the subject : MSCA Call+”your name”.

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Date limite de candidature : 28 février 2014