London : University College - Institute of Archaeology
A Research Assistant or Research Associate in Lithic Technology is sought to provide assistance to the European Research Council funded " The Origins of the Acheulean in East Africa " (ORACEAF) project led by Ignacio de la Torre.
The post-holder will be responsible for the update and management of archaeological databases and the handling of archaeological and experimental stone tools. They will also provide field assistance in archaeological excavations.
The post is available for 12 months in the first instance.
The successful candidate will have a Master’s degree (or equivalent) in Archaeology. They will have experience of analysis of pounding stone tools of Early Stone Age assemblages and with the supervision of archaeological excavations in East African Palaeolithic sites.
Candidates seeking appointment at Grade 7 will have a PhD in Archaeology or a similar field and be expected to provide evidence of a significant contribution to science in their field through publications of international significance.
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The deadline for applications is 20 November 2015