Le Research Group on "Plant Foods and Hominin Dietary Ecology" in the Department of Human Evolution of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig (Germany) propose :
– Research Position in Biological Anthropology
The position is a research-only post, with no teaching obligations. The initial contract, which is two years and may be extended, will begin March 2012 at the earliest.
Applications should be sent by email as a single PDF including : a cover letter, curriculum vitae, reprints of selected publications, short statement of research interests (2pg maximum), and the names of three referees, to Amanda Henry (amanda_henry@eva.mpg.de).
Reviews of applications will begin December 15, 2011 and will proceed until the position is filled.
– PhD Studentship : "Plant foods in hominin prehistory"
The fellowship is limited to 3 years. The student will receive a fellowship according to the funding guidelines of the Max Planck Society. The working environment of the institute is English-speaking. Accepted students will be a part of the International Max Planck Research School (http://imprs.eva.mpg.de/start.html). Candidates should apply directly through the IMPRS website by 31 January 2011.
For further information, contact Amanda Henry (amanda_henry@eva.mpg.de).