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Post-doctoral position (« Ingénieur de Recherche ») in Luminescence Dating

à partir du 1er février 2014

The position is for one-year, renewable twice. Starting date is 1st February 2014.

Job statuts
Full time position financially supported by the Labex Sciences Archéologiques de Bordeaux (LaScArBx).

The successful applicant will be involved in the dating and methodological research programs developed by the scholars of the luminescence dating group.

Profile of applicant
The applicant must have a PhD degree and a good experience in luminescence dating of either quartz or feldspars, as well as in the associated dosimetry. A post-doctoral experience would be appreciated but is not of compulsory nature.

Research labs involved
Institut de Recherche sur les ArchéoMatériaux (IRAMAT)
Centre de Recherche en Physique Appliquée à l’Archéologie (CRP2A)
Esplanade des Antilles
33600 PESSAC

The luminescence dating laboratory of the IRAMAT-CRP2A institute is one of the three partners of the LaScArBx

En savoir plus

Date limite de dépôt des candidatures : 1er décembre 2013