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Living Mesolithic : Stone Age living experiment in the Steinzeitpark Dithmarschen

du 27 juillet 2015 au 6 septembre 2015
Albersdorf (Holstein)

Our aim is to reconstruct the every day life of hunter- and gatherers of Mesolithic North Europe around 8 000 before present by doing an authentic as possibe life experiment with skilled re-enactors and experimental archaeologists, in order to gain a new type of insight of how life might have been then, which influences our modern habits might have on a realistic „back into the wild“ idea and how realistic our reconstructed tools, materials and skills work in everyday life under „Stone Age“ conditions might be. Other investigations might be included eg. which influence pure Mesolithic type food might have on our health, which type of mesolithic food is still available today, how realistic is such an experiment in an open air museum, how big ist the influence by visitors, limited space and restricted real hunting, fishing, gathering chances etc. [...]

How can you be a part of this special experiment and how can you contribute ?

We are trying to document this experiment as detailed as possible (for scientific purposes) and so we have the following possible acticities to offer :
 Compiling a documentation and evaluation for special research questions about the activities planned (which event. could be used for scientific investigations in the frame of a Bachelor or Master thesis) ;
 Preparing and taking part in the educational programme besides the experiment (guided tours, activities for children etc.) or
 Taking part directly in the Experiment as Actor (here we have special obligations !).

En savoir plus

Contact :
Dr. Rüdiger Kelm
Steinzeitpark Dithmarschen
Süderstr. 47, 25767 Albersdorf

Vu sur Mesolithic Miscellany Monthly, June 2015 (University of York)