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PalaeoAffad Project - Sudan : Levallois traditions epigons in the middle Nile Valley

" Levallois Tradition Epigons in the Middle Nile Valley " focused on studying palaeolithic settlements in the region of the Southern Dongola Reach had been initiated early in 2011 thanks to the generous research grant from The Polish National Center of Science.

Research team consists of :
 Dr Marta Osypińska Project Director and archaeozoologist based at the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences
 Dr Mike Morley a geoarchaeologist from Oxford Brookes Archaeology & Heritage, Department of Anthropology and Geography, Oxford Brookes University
 Mr Piotr Osypiński an archaeologist and prehistorian from Patrimonium Foundation
 Mrs Anna Maria Kotarba-Morley an archaeologist and geoarchaeologist based at the School of Archaeology, The University of Oxford.

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