3. Rolled Impression

Latest addition : 17 January 2012.

Rolled Impression
Action of impressing a decoration with a cylinder-shaped die that is rolled onto the surface to be decorated (Balfet and al. 1983).
The regular rolling of a cylinder-shaped tool repeatedly stamps the cylinder’s expanded surface. This technique is characterized by one specific feature, which is regrettably rarely identifiable, especially when the sherd is small: a sequence, which would also help assess the tool’s diameter.
See the Motifs - Rolled impression

Impression roulee experimentation

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Experimentation - Rolled impression with a twisted cord roulette.

Friday 13 January 2012, by CerAfIm // 3. Rolled Impression

cerafim_FE_impr_roul_icone Pictures of the rolled impression of a twisted cord roulette. Read more »