L’école thématique "ISAfrica : Stone Age workshop" s’est tenue du 1er au 7 avril 2024 à Florisbad (Afrique du Sud). L’école a regroupé 32 participants dont 16 étudiants de nationalités africaines.
– William Archer, Head of Department of Archaeology, National Museum, Bloemfontein, South Africa.
– Guillaume Porraz (CNRS, Lampea)
– ANR - The MileStone Age
– National Museum, Bloemfontein, South Africa
– Max Planck Institute, Germany
Immersive Stones : interactive learning of African lithic technology aims to pair a diverse pool of African graduate students with a group of Stone Age specialists from various disciplines, for an inclusive research and teaching workshop focused on active learning of African lithic technologies. Over the course of one week, students and specialists (‘participants’) will congregate at the Florisbad Quaternary Research Station in the Free State province (South Africa). Participants will actively engage with key Stone Age collections from southern Africa, explore key technologies through active experiments on different raw-materials, and will engage with cutting-edge research concerning lithic studies in southern Africa. The aim is to foster a mutually enhancing balance between specialists and students so as to emphasize active engagement and interactive learning between participants from diverse backgrounds, stimulate inclusive discussions, and optimize knowledge development and retention in all participants. The workshop will introduce key theoretical concepts, offer extensive opportunities to experiment with different dimensions of knapping (stone artefact manufacture) and use, and will interactively discuss stone artefacts from key south African archaeological sites including Montagu Cave, Elandsfontein, Florisbad, Diepkloof Rock Shelter, Rose Cottage Cave, Sibhudu Cave and many others.
– Archer Will (South Africa)
– PORRAZ Guillaume — CNRS (France)
– Bader Gregor (Germany)
– Beauvais Pierre-Antoine (France)
– Caruana Matt (South Africa)
– Chiwara Precious (Zimbabwe)
– Conard Nicholas (Germany)
– GRENET Michel (France)
– Matembo Joseph (Zimbabwe)
– Muianga Decio (Mozambic)
– Parkington John (South Africa)
– Prenyakova Darya (Russia)
– Schmid Viola (Austria)
– Schmidt Patrick (Germany)
– Rots Veerle (Belgium)
– TEXIER Pierre-Jean — CNRS (France)
– Teyssandier Nicolas (France)