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Accueil | Martina Farese, Master Erasmus, Univ La Sapienza

Martina FARESE, étudiante de Master à l’Université de La Sapienza à Rome, est accueillie pour une durée de 3 mois (mars-mai) dans le cadre d’un programme ERASMUS Plus - Student Mobility for Traineeships. La formation de Martina au LAMPEA concerne les domaines suivants : « Archiving, management, methodologies and analysis of bioarcheological Prehistoric materials »

Localisation  : B162 & Plateformes de l’unité

Contact  : Gwenaëlle Goude


I am Martina Farese, a Conservation Scientist from Rome (Italy). My studies are focused on the analysis of ancient human remains, starting from their cataloguing, their osteobiography, and their isotopic profile. Here in Aix-en-Provence, I will work at LAMPEA for 3 months, trying to acquire as much information as possible on how to study past humans and their habits from their isotopic ratios, in particular prehistoric populations, and to learn the most advanced methodologies, to be then able to apply all this information in my future research activities, that are for now mainly focused on specimens from the Roman Empire."