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KAUPOVA Sylva - Doctorante

en thèse depuis le 01 novembre 2011

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Thèmes de Recherche

Intitulé de la thèse : Bioarcheology of the medieval population of Central Europe : Relationships among health, social context and nutrition

My doctoral research is looking at the dietary behavior and health status of a population that lived in the context of rapid change, including the development of the economic and political structures of states, the adoption of Christianity as well as the subsequent disruption of social structure and the recovery of society using a joint analysis of multi-isotopic elements and dental and osteological macroscopic markers.

Key words : diet, stable isotopes, breastfeeding, health status, Middle Ages, Great Moravia, socio-economic stratification

Encadrants : Estelle Herrscher (CR, CNRS, UMR 7269), Petr Velemínský (Professor, National Museum in Prague)

Financements :
 French government grant for doctoral research project : “Bioarchaeology of European Medieval populations : Relationships between health status, social context, migration and nutrition”
 GAUK. No. 642413, Grant Agency of the Charles University in Prague : “Bioarchaeology of the Early Medieval populations of Europe : Relationships among health status, social context, migration and nutrition

Membre du Programme P3 de l’unité

Publications récentes

 Kaupová S, Velemínský P, Herrscher E, Sládek V, Macháček J, Poláček L, Brůžek J. In press. Diet in transitory society : Isotopic analysis of medieval population of Central Europe (9th–11th century AD, Czech Republic). Archaeol Anthropol Sci.
 Kaupová S, Herrscher E, Velemínský P, Cabut S, Poláček L, Brůžek J. 2014. Urban and rural infant‐feeding practices and health in early medieval Central Europe (9th–10th century, Czech Republic). Am J Phys Anthropol 155:635–651.
 Kaupová S, Brůžek J, Velemínský P, Černíková A. 2013. Urban-rural differences in stature in the population of medieval Bohemia. Anthr Anz 70:43–55.

Participations à des colloques

 Kaupová S, Stránská P, Velemínský P, Džupa V, Němečková A, Tomková K, Kuželka V. 2016. Differential diagnosis of premature osteoarthritis in the early medieval individuals from Prague - Milada Horáková cemetery (Czech Republic, 10th century AD). The 21th European meeting of the Paleopathology association. Moscow, Russia.
 Kaupová S, Velemínský P, Stránská P, Dupej J, Tomková K. 2016. Early live histories in the early medieval population of Prague. The 21th European meeting of the Paleopathology association. Moscow, Russia.
 Kaupová S, Herrscher E, Velemínský P, Cabut S, Brůžek J. 2014. Impact des facteurs socio-économiques sur les comportements alimentaires dans l’Europe médiévale (9e-10e siècle Ap. JC, Républiques Tchèque) : approche isotopique. 1839èmes journées de la SAP. Montpellier, France.
 Kaupová S, Herrscher E, Velemínský P, Cabut S, Brůžek J. 2014. Urban and rural dietary patterns in early Medieval Central Europe (9th-10th century AD, Czech Republic). The 83rd annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists. Calgary, Canada.
 Kaupová S, Herrscher E. 2013. Breastfeeding and weaning practices at the Middle Ages and Modern Period in Europe, between biological and historical factors. 7th World Congress of the IUAES. Manchester, UK.
 Kaupová S, Herrscher E, Velemínský P, Brůžek J. 2013. Intra-population variability in breastfeeding and weaning practices revealed by carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes analysis : A case study of Great Moravian population (9th-10th century AD, Czech Republic). 19th EAA Annual Meeting. Pilsen, Czech Republic.
 Kaupová S, Herrscher E, Velemínský P, Brůžek J. 2012. Infant and young child feeding practices, mortality and health in Great Moravian skeletal sample (9th-10th century, Czech Republic). The 19th European meeting of the Paleopathology association. Lille, France.