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"Delicate Arrangement" : Alfred Russel Wallace, Charles Darwin, and the discovery of the theory of evolution by natural selection / par Andrew Berry

2 octobre 2013 à partir de 19h
Paris : Institut de Paléontologie Humaine

L’Institut de Paléontologie Humaine, en association avec le Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, l’Académie des Sciences, et le Harvard Club of France ont le plaisir de vous inviter à assister à la conférence du Professeur Andrew Berry, de l’Université Harvard à l’occasion du centenaire du décès d’Alfred Russel Wallace

"Remarkably, what is arguably the simplest and most powerful theory in all of science, the theory of evolution by natural selection, was developed completely independently by two Victorian scientists, Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace.
Today Darwin is famous, the face of evolution, but Wallace is very little known.
This talk, to mark the centenary this year of Wallace’s death, will address three issues.
 Why was this long-sought theory discovered twice and more or less at the same time ?
 Who was Wallace, and how did he come to the idea ?
 Why has Wallace been so comprehensively eclipsed by Darwin in the popular imagination ?

Overall, this talk is a celebration of Wallace’s life and extraordinary contributions. He was a visionary scientist, bold adventurer, superb writer, and compassionate campaigner. He deserves to be readmitted to the pantheon of great evolutionary thinkers."

 19h15 : Ouverture de la réunion par Henry de Lumley et Claire Mays
 19h30 : Conférence de Andrew Berry
 20h30 : Mise en perspective par Pierre-Henri Gouyon, Professeur au Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle
 21h00 : Vin d’honneur, offert par le Harvard Club of France


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