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Koobi Fora Field School in Paleoanthropology

du 15 juin au 15 juillet 2012
Koobi Fora (Kenya)

This program is a joint venture by Rutgers University and the National Museums of Kenya.

"The Koobi Fora Field School introduces students from various educational backgrounds and skill levels to the multidisciplinary field of Paleoanthropology with exercises in ecology, archaeology, paleontology and geology. Through the cooperation of the Mugie Ranch, we camp for one week on a Rhino game preserve in a modern African environment. Students are exposed to the animals and vegetation of a savanna ecosystem that parallels the Plio-Pleistocene hominin environment of Koobi Fora. We then travel several hundred miles north to the Koobi Fora base camp on the eastern shores of Lake Turkana in northern Kenya. The students spend 4 weeks in one of the richest fossil-bearing localities in the world, where they will learn how to excavate Plio-Pleistocene archaeological sites, identify mammalian and hominin fossils, map geological features and classify lithic technologies.
This is surely a unique opportunity for students and we would be very appreciative if you would inform your students about the field school. The Koobi Fora Field School is open to students from all universities. "

En savoir plus (recommandation, inscription, coût ...) (Koobi Fora)

Présentation 2012

Jack Harris
Professor of Anthropology, Rutgers University & Co-Director of Field Schools, Kenya