3. Lectures and conferences

Latest addition : 13 January 2012.

CerAfIm has participated to scientific meeting: the following articles detail these participations.
Erg Wa-n-Kasa, photographie Jean-Loïc Le Quellec

Latest articles

Participation in “Making and Decorating African Pots" Session, PANAF-SAfA, Dakar 2010

Tuesday 10 January 2012, by CerAfIm // 3. Lectures and conferences

Participation in “Making and Decorating African Pots" Session, during the PanAfrican Archaeological Congress and Society of Africanist Archaeologists meeting,Dakar, 1rst-5th november 2010. Read more »

Participation to the 19th SAfA Congress (Francfort, 2008)

Tuesday 10 January 2012, by CerAfIm // 3. Lectures and conferences

Society of Africanist Archaeology We presented our working methods, results and projects during the 19th Society of Africanist Archaeologists International Conference in Frankfurt, in September 2008.
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Participation in "Sahel: making a good impression" work session

Tuesday 10 January 2012, by CerAfIm // 3. Lectures and conferences

Leverhume trust Participation in "Sahel: making a good impression" work session, Oxford, 2008. Read more »

“A Multidisciplinary Approach to Ceramics Decorations” Seminar, MMSH, 2006.

Tuesday 10 January 2012, by CerAfIm // 3. Lectures and conferences

Kobadi, poterie funéraire. “A Multidisciplinary Approach to Ceramics Decorations” Seminar, Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l’Homme in Aix-en-Provence, 2006.. Read more »