Definition - Alternate repeated simple impression
Monday 18 June 2012, by 1. Simple Impression
Alternate repeated simple impression is a type of simple impression that consists of two series of repeated simple impressions. These series make two parallel lines of elements, the elements of the second line (2) being a symetrical reflection of the first (1), and staggered in relation to the elements of the first line.
The visual effect (3) created by the alternate impression is a relief wavy band, the form of which varies according to the shape of the active part of the tool.
This motif was defined as a «pseudo-cut-out broken line» by D. Grébénart (Grébénart, 1985, p. 54 and fig. 34 p.55) for the Final Neolithic pottery assemblages of the Agadez region Niger). The motif is made with a single triangular (or prismatic) edged tool.
This motif was also identified by B. Keding ("Wellenbandmuster") for the pottery of the Leiterband phase in the Wadi Howar (Sudan). Here the motif is created with two series of repeated impressions using a tool with a rounded prong (Keding, 1977: definition p. 81, pictures fig. 4.2 p. 270, fig. 18.8 to 18.10 p. 271, more detailed discussion p.163).
The term « alternate » refers to alternate retouch as defined for the lithic industry: it consists of two successive series of inverse retouches on the same side (cf. Tixier, Inizan & Roche, 1990).