Bibliographic list of african ceramology - Year 2011
Friday 2 March 2012, by 7. Bibliographical List
//Bibliographic list updated on march 2d 2012
See also CerAfIm bibliographic list on Zotero
Chlodnicki M., 2011, Pottery, in: Kadero : the Lech Krzyzaniak excavations in the Sudan, Chlodnicki M., Kobusiewicz M., Kroeper K. (Dir.), Poznan, Archaeological Museum, p. 215-266 (Studies in African archaeology ; 10).
Chlodnicki M., 2011, Prehistoric settlement, in: Kadero : the Lech Krzyzaniak excavations in the Sudan, Chlodnicki M., Kobusiewicz M., Kroeper K. (Dir.), Poznan, Archaeological Museum, p. 53-55 (Studies in African archaeology ; 10).
Courtin J., 2011, Gérard Bailloud au Tchad et au Maroc, in: Hommage de la Société préhistorique française : Gérard Bailloud (1919-2010) : de l’Afrique au Bassin parisien - Le chercheur et l’homme, Constantin C., Mordant D., Soulier P. (Dir.), Paris, Société préhistorique française, p. 473-479 (Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française ; 108/3).
Cruz M.D., 2011, "Pots are pots, not people:" material culture and ethnic identity in the Banda Area (Ghana), nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Azania, t. 46, 3, p. 336-357.
Dzou Tsanga R., 2011, Surveillance Archéologiques d’un Pédiment dans le Diamaré (Extrême Nord, Cameroun). Analyse Préliminaire des Artefacts de Missinguileo. Nyame Akuma, t. 75, p. 17-24.
Fleisher J.B., Wynne-Jones S., 2011, Ceramics and the Early Swahili: Deconstructing the Early Tana Tradition. African Archaeological Review, t. 28, 4, p. 245-278.
Fowler K.D., Fayek M., Middleton E., 2011, Clay acquisition and processing strategies during the first millennium A.D. in the Thukela River basin, South Africa: An ethnoarchaeological approach. Geoarchaeology, t. 26, 5, p. 762-785.
Gallin A., 2011, Les styles céramiques de Kobadi : analyse comparative et implications chronoculturelles au Néolithique récent du Sahel malien , Frankfurt am Main, Africa Magna, 319 p. (Reports in African Archaeology ; 1).
Gijanto L., 2011, Exchange, interaction, and change in local ceramic production in the Niumi commercial center on the Gambia River. Journal of Social Archaeology, t. 11, 1, p. 21-48. *
Gijanto L., 2011, Socio-economic interaction and ceramic aesthetic: understanding West African ceramic production and use in context. Azania, t. 46, 3, p. 250-268.
Gijanto L., Ogundiran A. (Dir.), 2011, Special Issue : Ceramics in the African Atlantic : new perspectives on social, economic, political and other everyday interactions , Oxford, Routledge, pp. 243-362 (Azania ; 46/3). content=t902477532 db=all
Gijanto L., Ogundiran A., 2011, Ceramics in the African Atlantic: new perspectives on social, economic, political and other everyday interactions. Azania, t. 46, 3, p. 243-249.
Gokee C.D., 2011, Practical knowledge and politics of encounter along the Lower Falémé River, Senegambia (c. AD 1500-1925). Azania, t. 46, 3, p. 269-293.
González Ruibal A., Picornell Gelabert L., Valenciano Mañé A., 2011, Early Iron Age Burials from Equatorial Guinea: The Sites of Corisco Island. Journal of African Archaeology, t. 9, 1, p. 41-66.
Gosselain O.P., 2011, Pourquoi le décorer? Quelques observations sur le décor céramique en Afrique. Azania, t. 46, 1, p. 3-19.
Graff G., 2011, Les enjeux de l’iconographie des vases peints de Nagada II (Egypte, IVe millénaire) : maintien de l’équilibre cosmique ou régénération de la vie ?. Anthropozoologica, t. 46, 1, p. 47-64.
Guèye N.S., 2011, Dis-moi quel pot tu as et je te dirai qui tu es ! Matérialiser les identités sociales dans les décors céramiques de la moyenne vallée du fleuve Sénégal (nord du Sénégal). Azania, t. 46, 1, p. 20-35.
Haour A.C., 2011, Putting pots and people in the Sahelian empires. Azania, t. 46, 1, p. 36-48.
Haour A.C., Manning K., 2011, Editorial : Identity, fashion and exchange: pottery in West Africa. Azania, t. 46, 1, p. 1-2.
Haour A.C., Manning K. (Dir.), 2011, Identity, fashion and exchange: pottery in West Africa , Oxford, Routledge, 109 p. (Azania ; 46/1).
Huebner M., Huebner S., 2011, New evidence for a large prehistoric settlement in an annular geomorphological structure in southwest Morocco. Almogaren, t. 42, p. 43-49.
Huffman T.N., Du Piesanie J., 2011, Khami and the Venda in the Mapungubwe Landscape. Journal of African Archaeology, t. 9, 2, p. 189-206.
Insoll T.A., MacLean M.R., Ashley C.Z., Kankpeyeng B.W., 2011, The Iron Age Ceramics from the Tong Hills, Northern Ghana. Sequence and Comparative Perspective. Journal of African Archaeology, t. 9, 1, p. 15-39.
Jacobson L., De Beer F.C., Nshimirimana R., 2011, Tomography imaging of South African archaeological and heritage stone and pottery objects. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, t. 651, 1, p. 240-243.
Jórdeczka M., Królik H., Masojć M., Schild R., 2011, Early Holocene pottery in the Western Desert of Egypt: new data from Nabta Playa. Antiquity, t. 85, 327, p. 99-115.
Krzyżaniak A., 2011, Neolithic cemetery, in: Kadero : the Lech Krzyzaniak excavations in the Sudan, Chlodnicki M., Kobusiewicz M., Kroeper K. (Dir.), Poznan, Archaeological Museum, p. 57-197 (Studies in African archaeology ; 10).
Livingstone-Smith A., Cornelissen E., Hubau W., Ebosso O., 2011, Prospections et Fouilles Archéologiques de la Mission « Boyekoli Ebale Congo 2010 » (RDC). Nyame Akuma, t. 75, p. 11-16.
MacDonald K.C., 2011, Betwixt Tichitt and the IND: the pottery of the Faïta Facies, Tichitt Tradition. Azania, t. 46, 1, p. 49-69.
MacDonald K.C., 2011, Discussing ceramics in the African Atlantic. Azania, t. 46, 3, p. 358-362.
Manning K., 2011, Potter communities and technological tradition in the Lower Tilemsi Valley, Mali. Azania, t. 46, 1, p. 70-87.
Mayor A., 2011, Impressions de vanneries et technique du martelage sur forme concave: anthropologie et histoire d’une technique dans la boucle du Niger. Azania, t. 46, 1, p. 88-109.
McCall G.S., Marks T.P., Thomas J., Eller M., Horn III S.W., Horowitz R.A., Kettler K., Taylor-Perryman R., 2011, Erb Tanks: a Middle and Later Stone Age Rockshelter in the Central Namib Desert, Western Namibia. PaleoAnthropology, t. 2011, p. 398-421.
Norman N.L., 2011, Collective and interpretive openings: perforated Gbe ritual ceramics at local, regional and Diasporic spheres of interpretation. Azania, t. 46, 3, p. 294-316.
Ogundiran A., Saunders P.V., 2011, Potters’ marks and social relations of ceramic distribution in the Oyo Empire. Azania, t. 46, 3, p. 317-335.
Oslisly R., 2011, Les archéologues aussi font de la prévention. Sciences au Sud, t. 60, p. 5-.
Rodrigue A., 2011, Note sur les industries préhistoriques de la Dayet Masker (Moyen Atlas, Maroc). Sahara, t. 22, p. 157-158.
Steiner U., Krüger S., Berger U., Berger F., 2011, Miscellanea from the Western Desert of Egypt. Sahara, t. 22, p. 172-175.
Vernet R., 2011, Le littoral atlantique saharien au Néolithique. Société d’études et de Recherches préhistoriques des Eyzies. Bulletin, t. 60 "Travaux de 2010", p. 59-85.
Wayessa B.S., 2011, The Technical Style of Wallaga Pottery Making: An Ethnoarchaeological Study of Oromo Potters in Southwest Highland Ethiopia. African Archaeological Review, t. 28, 4, p. 301-326.