Bibliographie de céramologie africaine - Année 2008
Vendredi 2 mars 2012, par 7. Bibliographie
//Bibliographie mise à jour le 1er mars 2012
Voir aussi la biblio sur Zotero
Baioni M., Leonini V., Lo Vetro D., Martini F., Poggiani Keller R., Sarti L. (Dir.), 2008, Bell Beaker in everyday life : proceedings of the 10th meeting « Archéologie et Gobelets » (Florence - Siena - Villamora sul Clisi, May 12-15, 2006) , Firenze, Museo fiorentino di preistoria "Paolo Graziosi", 414 p. (Milleni : studi di archeologia preistorica ; 6).
Barham L.S., Mitchell P.J., 2008, The first Africans : African archaeology from the earliest tool makers to most recent foragers , Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, xvii + 601 p. (Cambridge world archaeology).
Biagetti S., Di Lernia S., 2008, Combining intensive field survey and digital technologies : new data on the Garamantian castles of Wadi Awiss, Acacus Mts., Libyan Sahara. Journal of African Archaeology, t. 6, 1, p. 57-85.
Bkhairi A., Karray M.R., 2008, Les terrasses historiques du bassin de Kasserine (Tunisie centrale). Géomorphologie. Relief, processus, environnement, t. 3, p. 201-213.
Cauliez J., Gutherz X., Pène J.-M., 2008, Première caractérisation des faciès céramiques néolithiques de la région du Gobaad en République de Djibouti. Les sites d’Hara-Idé 2 et d’Asa-Koma (As-Eyla, district de Dikhil). L’Anthropologie (Paris), t. 112, 4-5, p. 691-715.
Corniquet C., 2008, Mobility and circulation of knowledge among potters of the Arewa (South-Western Niger) : impact of the frameworks of practice on the spatial distribution of ceramics’ techniques., in : ARCHAEDYN : 7 millennia of territorial dynamics : settlement pattern, production and trades from Neolithic to Middle Ages : Final conference - Dijon, 23-25 june 2008 : preprints, Gandini C., Favory F.o., Nuninger L. (Dir.), Dijon, ACI "Spaces and territories" 2005-2007, p. 211-220.
Daugas J.-P., El Idrissi A., 2008, Le Néolithique ancien au Maroc septentrional : données documentaires, sériation typochronologique et hypothèses génétiques. Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, t. 105, 4, p. 787-812.
Flexner J.L., Fleisher J.B., LaViolette A., 2008, Bead grinders and early Swahili household economy : analysis of an assemblage from Tumbe, Pemba Island, Tanzania, 7th-10th centuries AD. Journal of African Archaeology, t. 6, 2, p. 161-181.
Gallin A., Le Quellec J.-L., 2008, Les ensembles céramiques du Bassin de Murzuq : Une contribution de l’archéologie préventive à la connaissance du Messak. Cahiers de l’Association des Amis de l’Art rupestre saharien, t. 12, p. 71-88.
Garcea E.A.A., 2008, The ceramics from Adrar Bous and surroundings, in : Adrar Bous : archeology of a central Saharan granitic ring complex in Niger, Gifford-Gonzalez D.P. (Dir.), Tervuren, Royal Museum for Central Africa, p. 245-289 (Studies in human sciences ; 170).
González Ruibal A., 2008, De la etnoarqueología a la arqueología del presente, in : Mundos tribales : una visión etnoarqueológica, Salazar J., Domingo Sanz I., Azkárraga J.M. et al. (Dir.), Valencia, Diputación de Valencia - Museu de Prehistòria de València, p. 16-27.
Gosselain O.P., 2008, Thoughts and adjustments in the potter’s backyard, in : Breaking the Mould : Challenging the Past through Pottery, Berg I. (Dir.), Oxford, Archaeopress, p. 67-79 (British archaeological Reports - International Series ; 1861 / Prehistoric Ceramics Research Group Occasional Paper ; 6 ).
Haour A.C., 2008, The pottery sequence from Garumele (Niger) - a former Kanem-Borno capital ?. Journal of African Archaeology, t. 6, 1, p. 3-20.
Le Saharien, 2008, Quand le Ténéré était une verte vallée : le "désert des déserts" dévoile de nouveaux secrets. Le Saharien, t. 186, p. 13-16.
Linstädter J., 2008, The Epipalaeolithic-Neolithic transition in the Mediterranean region of northwest Africa. Quartär, t. 55, p. 33-54.
Linstädter J., 2008, The Epipalaeolithic-Neolithic-Transition in the Mediterranean region of Northwest Africa. Quartär, t. 55, p. 41-62.
Linstädter J., 2008, Investigações arqueológicas recentes em grutas e sítios de ar livre do Holocénico antigo e médio do norte de Marrocos. Promontoria, t. 6, p. 115-158.
Lyaya E.C., 2008, Archaeological Field Research at Ifakara, Tanzania. Nyame Akuma, t. 70, p. 11-20.
Meister C., Eggert M.K.H., 2008, On the early Iron Age in southern Cameroon : the sites of Akonétye. Journal of African Archaeology, t. 6, 2, p. 183-202.
Prendergast M.E., 2008, Forager variability and transitions to food production in secondary settings : Kansyore and Pastoral Neolithic economies in East Africa , Harvard University, PhD Dissertation, 464 p.
Reid A., Ashley C.Z., 2008, A context for the Luzira Head. Antiquity, t. 82, 315, p. 99-112.
Robbins L.H., Campbell A.C., Murphy M.L., Brook G.A., Liang F., Skaggs S.A., Srivastava P., Mabuse A.A., Badenhorst S., 2008, Recent archaeological research at Toteng, Botswana : early domesticated livestock in the Kalahari. Journal of African Archaeology, t. 6, 1, p. 131-149.
Sadig M.A., 2008, Es-Sour : a Neolithic site near Meroe, Sudan. Antiquity, t. 82, 316.
Sadr K., 2008, An ageless view of first millennium AD southern African ceramics. Journal of African Archaeology, t. 6, 1, p. 103-129.
Sereno P.C., Garcea E.A.A., Jousse H., Stojanowski C.M., Saliège J.-F., Maga A., Ide O.A., Knudson K.J., Mercuri A.M., Stafford Jr T.W., Kaye T.G., Giraudi C., N’Siala I.M., Cocca E., Moots H.M., Dutheil D.B., Stivers J.P., 2008, Lakeside Cemeteries in the Sahara : 5000 Years of Holocene Population and Environmental Change. PLoS ONE, t. 3, 8, p. e2995.
Stahl A.B., Dores Cruz (das) M., Neff H., Glascock M.D., Speakman R.J., Giles B., Smith L., 2008, Ceramic production, consumption and exchange in the Banda area, Ghana : Insights from compositional analyses. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, t. 27, 3, p. 363-381.
Togola T. (Dir.), 2008, Archaeological Investigations of Iron Age Sites in the Mema Region, Mali (West Africa) , Oxford, Archaeopress, vi + 105 p. (British archaeological Reports - International Series ; 1736 / Cambridge Monographs in African Archaeology ; 73).
Wendt K.P., 2008, Gajiganna : Analysis of Stratigraphies and Pottery of a Final Stone Age Culture of Northeast Nigeria , Frankfurt, Africa Magna, 95 p., 85 pl. h.-t., 5 appendix h.-t. (Journal of African Archaeology Monograph Series ; 1).