Laboratoire méditerranéen de préhistoire Europe Afrique (LAMPEA) — UMR 7269 — Université d’Aix-Marseille, CNRS, INRAP

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International Journal of Student Research in Archaeology (IJSRA)

[Appel à contributions]

Peer-reviewed and edited by a team of students from 30 top universities across 13 countries

The International Journal of Student Research in Archaeology (IJSRA) is an open-access, peer- reviewed journal. The aims of this publication are to be a global reference point in archaeology, as well as to serve as an international forum for the exchange of excellent scholarship in an atmosphere of constructive dialogue and inclusivity. Ultimately we aim to enhance the academic experience, scholarly presence, and recognition of students worldwide.

IJSRA accepts papers addressing any topic and temporal sequence of archaeological interest. Research may be based in any geographical area, engage with any methodological and theoretical framework, and include integrative insights and evidence from any discipline.

The International Journal of Student Research in Archaeology does not charge any submission or publication fees.

The deadline for submissions for the first issue is September 1, 2015.
E-mail for Submission :

Correspondence, further information, and other queries should be addressed to :
Gonzalo Linares Matás, Executive Editor. BA Archaeology and Anthropology, St. Hugh’s College, University of Oxford

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