Laboratoire méditerranéen de préhistoire Europe Afrique (LAMPEA) — UMR 7269 — Université d’Aix-Marseille, CNRS, INRAP

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MicroPasts : Conducting, designing and funding research into our human past

[Site web]

Un site de crowdsourcing ... mais aussi de crowdfunding

"Help us gather high quality research data about our human history
You can assist existing research projects with tasks that need human intelligence, such as the accurate location of artefact findspots or photographed scenes, the identification of subject matter in historic archives, the masking of photos meant for 3D modelling, or the transcription of letters and catalogues. Other tasks might require on-location contributions by members of the public, such as submitting your own photographs of particular archaeological sites or objects. By contributing to a MicroPasts project you will :
 Have a direct impact on research in archaeology, history and heritage
 Help with tasks that computers cannot do
 Develop skills that interest you
 Produce results that will be open and freely usable"

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Voir aussi
Bonacchi, C, Bevan, A, Pett, D, Keinan-Schoonbaert, A, Sparks, R, Wexler, J and Wilkin, N 2014. Crowd-sourced Archaeological Research : The MicroPasts Project. Archaeology International 17:61-68, DOI :