Motif - Pivoting impression A+B with a double pronged comb (dash shaped teeth)

Sunday 15 January 2012, by CerAfIm // 2. Motifs - Pivoting Impression A+B

Archaeological motif

Origin of the sherd
Site : Kobadi
Localisation : Malian Sahel
Datation : 1700-1400 bc
Culture : Late Neolithic

Pivoting impression A+B

Active part of the tool
Double pronged comb (dash shaped teeth).

Technical description of the motif
Pivoting impression A+B of a double pronged comb (dash shaped teeth).

Visual description of the motif<
Double wavy line of vees

Schematic motif Impression_pivotante_AB_peigne_2dentsplates_schema

See other examples of this motif.